do you hear me?
i'm talking to you
across the water across the deep blue ocean
under the open sky
Im All Out Of Love - Az Yet
Thursday, May 29, 2008 @ 12:06 AM
This Blog is Alive Again!

It has been donkey years since I blog abt what's going ard me. I think I am simply too lazy..or maybe..no motivation to blog..

Well all thanks to the problems I had recently. I started writing essays to make myself feel better. This entry is for my bear builders. They have brighten my dull days and have been trying their beary best to make Flyer a fun place to work!

I am very proud to say Flyer has the best lot of BBs in town! WOoHoo.. Let's continue to make Flyer the best BABW to work & have fun!


about me
hello, i'm rainy. i don't know why but i think i'm loving in fall with you. wait, what did i just say?

i want freedom
i want happiness
i want peace
i want hambibi

chit chat

October 2007
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008

Purple Rain

it should stay here for good :)
codes&image: ohsolovelyy
photo: found in this site
host: photobucket