do you hear me?
i'm talking to you
across the water across the deep blue ocean
under the open sky
Im All Out Of Love - Az Yet
Tuesday, June 17, 2008 @ 8:54 PM
A personality Test

What colour is your personality?
Your Result: Blue

Calmness is what over powers your life. You are the best in difficult situations and love to help others out even if you are not particularly close to them. You are pretty happy with your life at the moment and caring for people is all that you real intend to do in life.

What colour is your personality?
See All Our Quizzes

Sunday, June 15, 2008 @ 10:30 PM
My 8 years in University of Society

Very soon, I will be going to a new working environment. Need to adapt to new people, new working habits and new office politics. I don't really like all these but I hate routine life. If a workplace has drained all ur energy and U feel very unhappy about ur work, I guess it's time to leave.

My Motto in life: Live everyday as it is ur last. Minimise ur regrets cos U might not have a second chance to get it right. The following photos are the three organisations that I have stayed for a year and more. Honestly, I gained a lot of experience from those companies, bosses and colleagues. There might be baddies. There might be angels. No matter how's my encounter with all those individuals, I thank Fate for allowing us to meet and say hi.

Happy Cup - my 1st job after "O" levels. Stayed there for about 2 years. THis is a place where I shed real tears and have sincere laughters. I called this place my second home. 8 years from then, I still have my godbrother, buddy and pals with me now. I miss all of them!

FairPrice. - I grew up here. My first Full Time job and I stayed there for 2 yrs and 10mths. I really learnt a lot from my boss and colleagues. I got to see nice folks and bad guys. Those who really luv and care for me, really do it sincerely. THose who hate me, really backstabbed, posion and do all sorts of nonsense to make my life miserable. I cried a lot. I grew up a lot. I may have forgiven them but it takes times for me to forget how mean those baddies were..

BABW - The most relax company. It's those guests and lovely bear builders that make my day. It is the culture here that taught me how to spread love around. It's a small company and it is still growing. I don't look old here but I do feel old in heart. Those girls and boys are so young and hyper! I must admit old now..haha..can't bear to leave my dear darlings but it's for my best benefits and I know they will respect my decision :)

another new organisation is waiting for me..Shall see what lies ahead of me...

P.S. I've been surrounded by ex-FP staff recently! Chatted with one over the phone, met two for meals and saw one at flyer over the weekend! Wow...

Friday, June 6, 2008 @ 12:13 AM
I've Resigned!

Dear Folks...

I've resigned. For my Bear Builders, I am sorry if U guys are shocked by my decision. For those who has been waiting for me to get out of ur sight, I will be out of ur sight soon! Haha!

Though It's just a short stay, I enjoyed those times and fun we had. Here's a few words for my dearest bear builders...

1. Bella - U really have very good customer service. I admit I am still learning from you. As for other stuff lei..U need to brush up k. Not too sure if whoever is coming to takeover can tahan U anot wor..Dun keep flirting with guys k. :)

2. Ms Tan - U r the only xiao gua who likes to nag alot esp at me lei.. Next time dun be late anymore k. Not everybody can be like me k. Always late so can tahan ur lateness. Haha.. U have been a very good BB to me and to all of us at Flyer. I will surely miss u wan..Miss Tan!

3. Mother Matthew - Hmmm..Didn't really have a good first impression of U ..cos u were w Mr Darryl lor..haha..but u have proven to be a very nice person to work with. U had lighten my load and have been a good mother to all of US. Continue to lend ur ears to those who needs it k.

4. Muthu - Er...I thought u were a beary serious guy until I see how crazy u can be in the store! Ballet, drawings and all sorts of Fun u have created at FLyer BABW. Work hard towards ur dreams k! I believe U can and will become FAMOUS one day. Don't forget me if U appear on TIMES one day k..continue to bring fun to the store and motivate ur fellow BB k

5. Sabrina - U r the little princess in store. Don't be so naughty in future k. Not everybody can tahan ur playfulness. Have a limit to ur fun. Just when others treat u like little sister, give ur da ge ge and da jie jie some respect k. Keep ur KOMEZ spirit up in BABW k. I dun want to visit FLyer in the future and start complaining k.

6. Max- sorry that i kept calling U Matthew! (Matthew, sorry ar! Don't mean to call U Max! WHo ask u guys to have similar names and height! Confuse this old lady here). U r a typical JC guy. Loosen up a bit more in store. U had done a great job and U can do it better! Jia you for ur studies!

7. Farhana - Nana..this is how I always call U. U r a very sweet girl. So tactful. There are times we think U can do better and I know U can! So continue to show everybody that U r a great Master Bear Builder K. I will Miss U

8. May Lyn - Known you for abt 1 mth. U r so happy everyday. Sing and dance like Cinderella. I have learnt a lot from U. U maybe younger than me but u share a lot of mature thoughts with me. Next time when I wanna go Phillipines, I will go look u up. Please continue to be so joyful k. U had that smile and hug that meltz our hearts.

9. Shan - U r so weird..Haha..the only BB from PS that wants to stay at FLYER! Luv to see how gays u n Muthu can be. Not forgetting ur encounter with the Indians! U r beary helpful and has added some serious essence when the rest are too wild in store..

10. Kah Pin - spiderwoman! Beary beary long nvm see u liao. Miss U! Look serious but can be so siao till all of us can't tahan. Don't forget ur ghost's shoes and clothes are still in the store k! If u ever see me near ur place, rem to say HI to me Lei :)

11. Pearlyn Tan - We were so closed and distance. Haven't been able to keep in contact with U. Hope everything is fine for u. I have learnt a lot from u and I will always rem knowing a BB like U.

12. For those who I've left out, thanks for making my stay in BABW enjoyable. Continue to make that place a fun place to work wor ...

about me
hello, i'm rainy. i don't know why but i think i'm loving in fall with you. wait, what did i just say?

i want freedom
i want happiness
i want peace
i want hambibi

chit chat

October 2007
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008

Purple Rain

it should stay here for good :)
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